"There are two ways you can go in beauty right now," she said as we rode the elevator from the third floor cafe to the basement level. "You can go super tech with nanospheres and things like that, or there is this whole supernatural route that we will see today at Whole Foods. As we ...
NotBillable: May 2005
A beautiful future You know how some people become transfixed by those vegetable chopper and mop demonstrations at the State Fair? That's how I am about trendspotters. Complete sucker for 'em. So of course I have to read every single word Jeanine Recckio has to say. I mean, who can't learn something from the woman who ...
Personal Care Products:How natural can they get?
"Marketers and products must go beyond natural," insisted Jeanine Recckio, a beauty futurologist from the Mirror Mirror Imagination Group, NY. "Natural, well, just isn't good enough anymore. Consumers are demanding more; they want more claims and proof that a product is real and natural."